Saturday, 17 August 2013

The #SOProject

Hola Dalimoo's,

As the title suggests I am one of the many bloggers taking part in the "Starting Out" Project, the brain child of the lovely @stephsvoice at stephsinsidevoice.  Basically the #SOProject is a series covering skincare right through to make up tools over a ten week period.  It is aimed at teens or people just "starting out" with make up and would like some advice or help along the way.

I really liked the idea of this because as a teen and a tween I did not have a clue about make up, cor the disasters I have had *oh god* anyway, looking back I really wished I had someone to guide me and having a daughter myself I would like to think that these posts would help her when she is old enough for make up!

The first post will be on Tuesday 27 August @ 6pm GMT time (UK) and every Tuesday thereafter for a further nine weeks.

To stay up to date with the ten weeks, why not follow me on here or on bloglovin or use the hashtag #SOProject on twitter?!

Anyway my lovelies I hope you enjoy the ride and see you soon.

Ciao for now xx

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  1. I shall be joining you on this project and hopefully I'll still have a lot to learn myself!


  2. Same here. I am looking forward to picking up tips I didn't know about! That is the beauty you learn all the time...


I would love your feedback.

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