Saturday, 1 February 2014

Where am I?

Hola Dalimoos,

It's been I think a couple weeks since I have posted anything and probably that since I have really been on most social networks!

I thought I should give you an explanation as I haven't gone for good but for the moment I need to step away from the stress of trying to get posts typed, photos taken and posts uploaded!

I have quite a bit going on in my personal life at the moment but the most important thing is my job is at risk of redundancy!  

I have been at my job for 15 years and  because they are wanting to save money they are outsourcing to an external company and only keeping less than half the work force!  

You can imagine the pressure I'm under at the moment.  Trying to get a CV together after having 15 years without needing one and the sheer panic of having to do interviews - I am personally not great at selling myself.

I don't know if I want to stay in the same field or to venture into something new - am I willing to take a pay cut?! Do I even want to stay if they offer me a position as it's more stress and effectively more work even if they are outsourcing....another story!!!

With two kids, a home and a holiday to pay for (booked before they announced) I just can't think.  My anxiety is at a real high and I am battling that, my brain is like a constant fog where I am trying to be pragmatic about things and keep positive I am telling myself everyday that things happen for a reason, there is life after the current place of work and there is a silver lining and all that jazz.

So with that and other things I just can't concentrate on blogging at the moment. I do hope you all understand and I promise I will be back soon.

Until next time

ciao for now



  1. Oh gosh, it's never nice to hear that your job may be at risk. I think that if you love what you're currently doing then there's no reason to really move into another field. If you don't love what you're doing, this could be the perfect push to get you into something new.

    With so much experience, even with a paycut, you'll probably still be able to get a decent salary. You have a little family of your own so I think that ultimately, it leads down to happiness. Do what makes you happy so that you can enjoy spending time with your kids and so that they can see how happy you are. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :)

    1. thank you for your kind words. They meant a lot xxxx


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