Hola Dalimoos,
So we have made it to 2014! I wish you all a great 2014 and hope your wishes and dreams come true and want to thank all my followers/readers for your support these past 6/7 months. I am definitely going to be more involved in the community this year as I can be aloof and stick myself to myself which can be pretty lonely I suppose!
2013 was not very eventful for me. I have had my ups and downs like everyone else but nothing really to write about!
What are your resolutions for 2014? Do you do resolutions? I am not really someone to do resolutions as it puts unnecessary pressure on you and then they get broken! I believe that if you need to change something don't leave it to the first day of a new year to change just do it.
Even though I don't make resolutions I have been doing a lot of thinking this past couple of months and reflecting over the past year and things I want to change etc...
There are a few things in my life at the moment that I am not really happy about and things I want to achieve and there is no time like the present to set the wheels in motion. I won't call them resolutions as I am not going to pressure on myself but I am going to look at it as making my life better. The hardest thing will be motivation but may be sharing them, some of you could help motivate me and I could help motivate you?!
1. Stop Spending unnecessarily: This is the most important thing to me and is something I have battled with for many years and will continue to battle this year and hopefully I can conquer it this year and that is my spending habits. Since I was 18 and got my first loan I have always been in debt. I was debt free for six months when I first turned 30 but since then its spiraling considerably. It's not got as bad as it was when I was in my early 20s but I can see it getting there if I am not careful! This is the hardest thing to change as I am so used to spending but a few changes here and there may change my habits....I don't know....just thinking out loud really!
2. I want to learn:
(i) I got my Ukulele for Christmas so will definitely be learning to play that this year.
(ii) I also want to learn to dance. Ballet interests me and it is something I have wanted to do since I was a kid but never got the chance. There is adult beginners classes close to me so may enrol!
(iii) I want to qualify in something. I loved to learn when I was a kid, I loved school but I never did the whole college/university thing as I wanted to earn money so got a job straight from school. The only thing is I don't know what I want to do. I need an epiphany. A calling of somesort. help?!
3. I want to move: I need an extra room so need to move. I don't like where I live very much but in general I do love my area. I have a 2 bed property but need a 3 bed as my son and daughter are sharing rooms! The problem is I am in a council property and like the security that gives me and with the way things are in general I don't want to buy, you have no security especially if you lose your job. Personally the amount of money houses are selling for it's just bricks and mortar and it is not worth the asking price! To buy in London, for me, is a no go, it is just too expensive (I need to win the Lottery). I am a city girl at heart and the prospect of moving out of London scares me. My job is in London, my kids' school/nursery is in London, my friends are in London. Even though I like the idea of living out of London I think it will probably something I would consider more seriously when my kids have grown up and I want a slower pace of life. So for now I need to get a mutual exchange, but my aim is to get myself advertising etc and hopefully by 2015 I could be in a new home.
4. Holidays: I want to go abroad this year with the family. Pre-kids I went on holiday abroad practically twice a year. In June I went on a long weekend away to Spain with a couple of mates (first time in 7 years) and it made me realise what I have been missing. I am already looking at holidays for August.
5. Blogging: I want to continue blogging. My aim is for better content to appeal to more readers. My blog is fairly new and I am still trying to find my feet. But thinking of content that is interesting to read is pretty hard. This is where you, the reader, come into play. What sort of things do you enjoy reading? What could I do to make the blog more appealing to you?
I know the blog is mine to do with how I want, but I also want to know that the things I am writing about is worthy but pointers and constructive criticism is never a bad thing and it gets me thinking!!
So this is what I want to change in my life at the moment and I am pretty sure as the year goes on there will more added to the list. I hope before that happens, I can say that I have accomplished my aims above.
Here is to a life changing 2014...
Anyway my lovelies I hope you enjoyed my ramble.
Until next time
Ciao for now xx