Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Week 6: Mascara

Hola Dalimoos,

Welcome to Week 6 of #theSO project.  I cannot believe it has been running for six weeks, where has the weeks gone heh?!

This week it is all about my first favourite make up item and that is mascara (my second favourite being eyeshadow).  Even if I am having a no make up day I still need to put on my mascara!

There are 3 rules I always follow:
  1. The most important rule is NEVER and I mean NEVER share your mascara no matter who the person is, this passes bactaria and you/both could get conjunctivitis.
  2. Mascara should only be used for up to 6 months then it should really be replaced.
  3. You shouldn't pump your mascara this lets air in and dries your mascara so swirl the brush in the tube before taking it out.
There are different types of mascara that do different things and different brush sizes, shapes and textures.  You have lengthening, volumising, smudgeproof, curling, waterproof, clear, bristle brush, plastic brush, curved brush...so as you can see there should be a mascara for everyone's needs.

 I tend to favour the volumising and curling mascaras,  although on a night out I like a false lash effect so use two mascaras, one for more length and one for volume this way I do not need to think about using false lashes.

These are my two night time mascaras
I am not lucky enough to have naturally curly lashes so I need to use an eyelash curler before I apply my mascara.  If your lashes do not hold a curl think about using waterproof mascara this helps keep your curl for longer.  The benefits of using an eyelash curler is it gives the appearance of bigger more open eyes.

I am someone that cannot apply mascara without getting it all over my lid which really annoys me especially when I have spent time doing my eyeshadow, so found this contraption on ebay which helps when applying mascara  not to get it all over the lids.  If you do not want to spend money then you can do one yourself with a business card or something similar, you just cut an oval/eyeshape at the bottom of the card then rest it at the base of the lashes when you are applying your mascara and hey presto no mascara on the lid but.

A good tip when applying your mascara is to look down (or put your head back but look down) and start from the base of the lash and use a wiggle motion to the tip, this helps with getting each lash coated and also helps with clumping.

There are different colours to choose from too.  You can have your more natural colouring black/brown, a nice mascara that I like is the Max Factor eye brightening for blue eyes this is like a grey colour which brightens your eyes and makes your colour pop.  I also love to use coloured mascara too, blue being my favourite and of course black!

You don't need to spend a lot of money on a mascara to get the desired look, yes there are a couple of high-end mascaras I like to use and would recommend them but I do tend to favour the drugstore/high street mascara and the ones above are the few of my favourites, so just think about what you want from a masacara and choice anyone as they all really tend to do the same thing in the end and just because there is one I don't necessarily like it could be your absolute favourite!

Anyway my lovelies, I hope again you enjoyed my latest installment..

Until next time

Ciao for now 
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